Jul 16, 2006

Baby, don't you drive that car.2

Do you drive a Freud or a Ferrari?

Jul 13, 2006

Incoming Nukes

The times they are unsettling.
Who will throw the first stone or, in modern lingo, launch the first bomb.

Will there be anyone left to have the last laugh?

Or perhaps being bombed back several centuries might put some things back into perspective.

"Life can neither be created nor destroyed."

--detail of collage of the same name by phdilettante.

Jul 10, 2006

Cats Don't Lie.

Yeah, yeah. We have all heard that cats are anti-intellectual -- sit on the book or the newspaper so it can't be read and all attention is claimed by the Cat.

Yeah, yeah, and we all know that every famous artist has painted, sketched or sculpted a cat.

Why bother? As critics, cats are just plain rude.

Jul 5, 2006



Your attitude towards others pushes you to meet people who could be considered by a large majority as eccentric persons. They might be thought to be a little bit strange. You will be happy to meet one of them today, but this person will look familiar and strangely enough, will most likely be yourself.

--December 5, 2002

After-fast Freedom

Hey, good idea to lie down and be counted with Ms. Butterfly and Al Sharpton (Reverend). Fast for Peace. We can do that. Just a "fast" fast for Independence Day and The Worthy Cause.

I can do that, sure. The cats can do that, especially the one who covers her ears when "weighty" is mentioned in her presence.

Growling tummy. Towards noon, an increasing decibel level of Oriental cat howling. Noises drowned out at sundown by fireworks' boom and scream over the screeching of the cats.

Midnight. We did it. Run to convenience store for sustenance. Forgot to buy cat food. Cat screeching drowned out by growling upset tummy. Hope the garbage pick-up is tomorrow.

--photo by the dilettante