Jul 5, 2006

After-fast Freedom

Hey, good idea to lie down and be counted with Ms. Butterfly and Al Sharpton (Reverend). Fast for Peace. We can do that. Just a "fast" fast for Independence Day and The Worthy Cause.

I can do that, sure. The cats can do that, especially the one who covers her ears when "weighty" is mentioned in her presence.

Growling tummy. Towards noon, an increasing decibel level of Oriental cat howling. Noises drowned out at sundown by fireworks' boom and scream over the screeching of the cats.

Midnight. We did it. Run to convenience store for sustenance. Forgot to buy cat food. Cat screeching drowned out by growling upset tummy. Hope the garbage pick-up is tomorrow.

--photo by the dilettante


Tracy said...

You should have eaten some fast food!

Deb said...

But, it was worth it!